Exploring Google's Media Pipe for creative installations

Media Pipe Dreams

At Y'all, we're always exploring innovative ways to create engaging and interactive experiences for our clients. Recently, we've been captivated by Google's MediaPipe framework and its potential to revolutionize our conference installations. MediaPipe's advanced machine learning capabilities enable real-time, cross-platform solutions that enhance attendee engagement and interaction. From interactive displays that recognize gestures to augmented reality features that bring presentations to life, we're excited to leverage MediaPipe to create unforgettable conference experiences.

And all you need is a camera!

Here are three of the features we're most excited about:

Hand Gestures

One of the suite of offerings that Media Pipe includes is the ability to recognize hand gestures. By incorporating hand gesture controls, we can create intuitive experiences that go beyond traditional interfaces. Imagine navigating through a virtual exhibition with a simple wave, selecting options with a flick of a finger, or manipulating 3D objects in real-time with natural hand movements. With MediaPipe's precise and reliable hand tracking, we deliver responsive and dynamic installations that provide a truly memorable experience.

In the demo above, we're exploring the use of custom swipe and pinch gestures, as well as the inbuilt hand gestures that come with the open source framework. These include thumbs up and down for measuring sentiment, closed fist and open palm for recognizing a grabbing gesture, and just for fun, a "victory" (FKA peace?) sign and love sign. Any of these gestures can be leveraged as a signal to select or navigate, instead of relying on the clunky old mouse click, touching a physical screen, or expensive custom hardware.

Pose Estimation

Pose estimation technology is another feature of Media Pipe. This feature allows us to track and analyze human body movements in real-time, enabling engaging applications. Attendees can interact with digital displays through their body movements, participate in immersive fitness demonstrations, or control virtual environments using natural body gestures. By leveraging pose estimation, we create experiences that are highly intuitive and engaging, transforming passive viewers into active participants.

Object Recognition

This technology enables our displays to recognize and respond to various objects in real-time. Imagine an attendee holding up a product and instantly receiving detailed information on a nearby screen, or using everyday items as interactive tools to control digital environments. With MediaPipe's accurate and efficient object recognition, we can create dynamic installations that respond to the physical world, providing an innovative and captivating way for attendees to connect with our content.

Closing Up

This is only scratching the surface of the suite of Machine Learning tools that dovetail nicely with conference and instillation work. Armed with any camera and a strong computer, we can create immersive experiences that dazzle users and get away from the old ways that we'd interact in digital worlds.

Don't stay inside the box you've been put in. Break out of it. 💪

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